I am so pleased that the new artwork for the ‘bloods’ waiting room and consulting rooms is now installed! I worked with patients at Alder Hey to design artwork inspired by the four seasons.
Stitching, embroidery, patchwork and quilting are all techniques used to create a wide variety of pieces. From work for exhibitions and galleries to personal commissions and stitchpics, the final creation is original and individual.
I have extensive experience of running art workshops and am able to teach numerous arts and crafts practices from life drawing and printing to 3-D techniques. I enjoy working with all sorts of people, facilitating a rewarding art experience.
Working as Education Officer at The Harris Museum and Art Gallery provided a thorough grounding in museum and gallery education, knowledge which I am now continually developing as a freelancer.
Devising, resourcing, implementing and teaching a diverse range of art and design, and design and technology projects in local schools, I make use of an extensive knowledge of creative art practices and current education initiatives.
© Lisa Watson 2014